如題想問問是否有國際學校有短期的暑期課程這樣就能大人去玩小孩上上課有的話 也煩請告知網址謝謝
請問你有幾個小孩? 你的小孩多大? 巴里島有國際學校!這是他的網頁請你參考一下 : 1. Bali International SchoolPO BOX 3259 Denpasar - Bali - IndonesiaTelephone 62 361 288770 or 288467 | Fax 62 361 285103Email admin*baliis.net | Web www.baliinternationalschool.com-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. http://www.sunriseschoolbali.com/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. http://www.ccsbali.com/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我在網路上也看到了這個 :4. http://www.sanggarasribali.com/gallery8.htmlContact Us Please contact Sanggar Asri Bali at:266 Sowams RoadBarrington
Rhode Island 02806Phone: (401) 245-0491Fax: (401)-537-9162Email: niketut*sanggarasribali.com你可以寫信給她們
跟她們說你的需求!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------再來 :5. http://www.windsormountain.org/student-travel-community-service/Bali-arts-dance-culture.htmlProgram Details:Dates: 6/28-7/29 Tuition: $5195* Group Size: approx 13 students and 2 professional leaders Student Grade Level: Finishing Grades 9-12 Starting/Ending Point: Denpasar Accommodations: Camping
Youth Hostel Major Equipment Needs: TBATheatre Experience: Previous theatre experience is not required for this program; however students should feel that they absolutely love art and performance and have a desire to travel the world
open their minds
and expand their ideas about what is possible. *Tuition for this program is due in full by April 1
2009. Travel expenses to and from the starting and ending points are the responsibility of the participant and are not included in the tuition. Windsor Mountain